Monday, May 25, 2020

High School Sports Essay - 1299 Words

High School Sports In high school many kids often choose not to participate in extra curricular activities saying that there pointless or that only a certain type of person would do something like play football, or join the chess club. While this type of thinking may get some people through school and through life, can it really be looked at as being a healthy lifestyle? Today sports have proven to be a healthy outlet for students, in dealing with stress in the classroom at home and among their peers. The â€Å"dumb jock† stereotype we’ve all heard it used before and for some of us have even been called it. However in recent surveys across the United States has found that student-athletes grades are generally higher than†¦show more content†¦As far as athletes on the field a great many lessons are often learned there and one of the biggest lessons is sportsmanship. For any sports played teamwork is often times essential for winning. It also allows for a person to become more co nfident in their own abilities allowing them to become more proud and not ashamed of what they can or cannot do. It allows players to build bonds among their teammates and while this maybe be one of the main creators of the â€Å"jocks hang out with jocks† stereotype it is only because athletes feel a connection to someone that is going through the same time of training and emotions that sports tend to create. Sportsmanship teaches a person the value of working together in groups and allows the player to learn how to adjust to situations that he or she may not agree with. The work ethic sportsmanship creates is also carried off the field as well into the school and more importantly the working environment, because we all know that in our lifetimes we are going to have to work with someone that we do not like or agree with. And having the ability to be able to work through a problem which sportsmanship can do allows for an easier job experience. Athletes also tend to be genera lly much more healthier than non-athletes, do to the type of training and experiences they are put through for their respective sports. AthletesShow MoreRelatedSports At High School Sports1945 Words   |  8 PagesAlthough sports may be a distraction I think it’ll make kids work harder and strive for the necessary GPA to play. I’m all for sports in secondary schools it’ll give kids motive to do better in school. Many schools require that kids have at least have 2.0 to play any sports. That will make kids who really have a passion for sports to strive for that GPA. I think a 2.0 is an acceptable standard because it is mid range. Also, sports have other benefits. 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