Thursday, August 27, 2020

Viet new years essays

Viet new years expositions All around the globe individuals commend the happening to another year with customs from their nation. One of the most life-changing days of the year as per my way of life would be Tet. Tet is another name for the Vietnamese Lunar New Year. Tet is a festival of a fresh start, and denotes the beginning of the lunar schedule year. Tet is more essential to my way of life than Christmas and Thanksgiving consolidated. Albeit New Years isn't completely celebrated around the same time, numerous societies, including the Americans, observe New Years with comparable and diverse social conventions. Similitudes and contrasts of my social New Years contrasted with the American New Years would be the place it started from, the manner in which it is commended, and values it might hold. The Vietnamese New Years comes at some point between January 21 and February 19 as per the lunar schedule. It is realized that my progenitors have commended this occasion for more than 4000 years. There is generally secret about the cause of Tet with the exception of that it started from China. The Vietnamese adjusted to the Chinese culture in light of the fact that the two nations are close to one another. The starting point of the Chinese New Years itself is hundreds of years old, along these lines it is excessively old to really be followed. In any case, there are numerous legends about Tet where my grandparents reveal to me identified with the start of Tet. In one fantasy, the beast, Nian, had the ability to gobble up all the individuals in a town in one major nibble. Individuals in the town were frightened of Nian yet one day an elderly person acted the hero the town. The elderly person asked Nian, I realize you can eat individuals, however would you be able to eat different bru tes rather than individuals who are not commendable adversaries? Nian then acknowledged the elderly person's demand and ate the mammoths that had annoyed the townspeople and their livestock for a considerable length of time. Toward the finish of the legend, Nian left and that day was recognized as New Years in light of the fact that the residents commended another be... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Business and economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business and financial aspects - Assignment Example That was the year the UK economy went into downturn, pushed to the edge by the worldwide budgetary disease, along with rising degrees of obligation in the customer showcase, just as sharp falls in the costs of private properties. The downturn prodded government into siphon preparing mode, spending on government activities to spike the economy, taking a stake in the financial framework and adequately nationalizing segments of that framework, decreasing tax assessment, and requiring to be postponed controls on government obtaining. These demonstrations pushed Britain to the far edge of another verge, and that is a height of open obligations, and the expanding of the open deficiency levels, that at that point prodded the administration of Cameron, shaped with the help of the two Democrats and Conservatives, to start a five-year plan of severe changes in 2010. The objective of the program was the decrease of the spending deficiency to only a percent of GDP by 2015, from 10 percent of GDP toward the beginning of 2010. By the following year, the legislature reported an expansion of the starkness program through to 2017, inferable from the apparent insufficiency of the intercessions to impact change, the lower than wanted paces of development in the economy, and the impacts of the emergency started by the obligation issues in numerous pieces of the EU (Central Intelligence Agency 2013). There was an expansion in VAT in 2011 to 20 percent from 17.5 percent as a feature of the measures attached to this program. Then, the assessment rates for organizations in the UK were focused to go down in 2014 to only 21 percent. Additionally, $605 billion was reserved for a program to buy resources before the finish of 2012. Taking all things together, 2012 was portrayed by open shortfall levels that stuck steadily in the scope of 7.7 percent of the GDP, above focuses on; a 0.1 percent constriction in the GDP; lukewarm spending by purchasers; lukewarm venture levels among business concerns; and the proceeded with ascend in the degrees of open obligations (Central

Friday, August 21, 2020

Term Paper Writer Service

Term Paper Writer ServiceA term paper writer service is a company that offers writing services to students and professionals who are also students and professionals. It could be a term paper writer service for colleges, or a term paper writer service for graduate schools or business. The services offered by this type of company are usually simple and straightforward, even if the number of services is relatively limited.Generally, a student writes his or her assignments in a single or small number of sessions on an office space of a single desk. Usually the student is required to work at their own pace, since they are the one who needs to present their findings. Writing assignments tend to be presented in a format that is suitable for exams or even just written work and can be presented in the same way that is being tested.Writing assignments are usually turned in for approval before being sent out. However, most students would submit their assignments to term paper writers that they are familiar with, or at least to a writing service that they have some experience with. The term paper writer service is what authorizes the student to submit the assignment to a peer group for further review.This article will look at how a term paper writer service can help a student. It is not always necessary to hire a student writer, especially if a college student is simply writing a term paper, even if they are already enrolled in an online class. While this is a great idea, there is a possibility that they could do better work by themselves.Writing services offer a good amount of confidence to a student and allow them to be productive. Most students like to be under a bit of pressure, but it is useful to have a writing support to give them guidance, motivation, and feedback as to their writing progress. This is especially true for students who have been getting mediocre grades in their classes for a while and need to improve their grade point average (GPA).Writing support is also useful when there is some writing left over from an assignment. Most student writers would like to write as much as possible, but they want to take their own time and revise their work as needed. Term paper writers often find that they have taken an assignment too soon and in most cases have done the revisions before they complete the assignment.For those students who are not taking an online course, writing services often offer freelance writers who are much more cost effective than a college student, or a grad student who is taking online courses. Online writing is a time consuming and challenging task, so it is not surprising that a number of students prefer to take on this work by themselves, perhaps completing their assignments in a single session. If the student is already taking online courses, they are likely to hire a freelance writer in order to take care of their work while they are working on the course, which is the case for many students who are taking online cou rses.After researching writing services for students and finding one that works well for them, the term paper writer service should be able to write the assignments for the student. They should be able to provide research and some brainstorming, and they can be offered a cheap rate when compared to graduate school, writing a paper for a business, or even the costs of an office room and workspace.

Monday, May 25, 2020

High School Sports Essay - 1299 Words

High School Sports In high school many kids often choose not to participate in extra curricular activities saying that there pointless or that only a certain type of person would do something like play football, or join the chess club. While this type of thinking may get some people through school and through life, can it really be looked at as being a healthy lifestyle? Today sports have proven to be a healthy outlet for students, in dealing with stress in the classroom at home and among their peers. The â€Å"dumb jock† stereotype we’ve all heard it used before and for some of us have even been called it. However in recent surveys across the United States has found that student-athletes grades are generally higher than†¦show more content†¦As far as athletes on the field a great many lessons are often learned there and one of the biggest lessons is sportsmanship. For any sports played teamwork is often times essential for winning. It also allows for a person to become more co nfident in their own abilities allowing them to become more proud and not ashamed of what they can or cannot do. It allows players to build bonds among their teammates and while this maybe be one of the main creators of the â€Å"jocks hang out with jocks† stereotype it is only because athletes feel a connection to someone that is going through the same time of training and emotions that sports tend to create. Sportsmanship teaches a person the value of working together in groups and allows the player to learn how to adjust to situations that he or she may not agree with. The work ethic sportsmanship creates is also carried off the field as well into the school and more importantly the working environment, because we all know that in our lifetimes we are going to have to work with someone that we do not like or agree with. And having the ability to be able to work through a problem which sportsmanship can do allows for an easier job experience. Athletes also tend to be genera lly much more healthier than non-athletes, do to the type of training and experiences they are put through for their respective sports. AthletesShow MoreRelatedSports At High School Sports1945 Words   |  8 PagesAlthough sports may be a distraction I think it’ll make kids work harder and strive for the necessary GPA to play. I’m all for sports in secondary schools it’ll give kids motive to do better in school. Many schools require that kids have at least have 2.0 to play any sports. That will make kids who really have a passion for sports to strive for that GPA. I think a 2.0 is an acceptable standard because it is mid range. Also, sports have other benefits. Sports Boost School spirit and student productivityRead MoreSports And High School Are Beneficial848 Words   |  4 PagesSports in High School are Beneficial Students are people who study at school or college. At school students, lives are divided into two sections such as academic and athletic. During high school, sports become a good portion of students’ lives. Some parents send their children to study at school and considers sports a distraction to studies. A true sport requires energy, time, and determination..There are a few disadvantages to playing sports in High School but there are even more benefits to playingRead MoreBenefits of High School Sports871 Words   |  4 PagesBenefits in High School Sports In high school sports, there are a number of negative and positive aspects that are associated with this industry. Regardless, many students decide they want to show case their talents at an early age. With the proper guidance and teaching, there are many benefits to playing high school sports for the athlete, their families and the community. The benefits include education, moral support and responsibility. As long as the student athlete stays onRead MoreHigh School Athletes And Sports905 Words   |  4 PagesHigh school athletes who want to get recruited by a college need to get noticed by the right coach. Although in some cities, athletes in Class and football, basketball and baseball may have scouts come to their games, and in metropolitan areas, many sports are frequently covered in widely distributed newspapers or newscasts, every year, thousands of other outstanding athletes are overlooked for one simple reason: the coaches didn’t know they were out there student athl ete. Equipment and shoe forRead MoreThe Benefits Of High School Sports1315 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction High schools in the US have had successful and popular sports programs that date back past the 19 century and have been a hit to this day. But in the US, high school sports are becoming too much of a necessity, students are more worried about how they will play their sport over how their grades are or if they are caught up in school. But has anyone ever considered, what might occur if these US high schools were to discontinue their sports teams? Would the schools benefit or become hinderRead MoreThe Importance Of High School Sports1394 Words   |  6 PagesMany people say your high school or college years are the best years of your life. You can just go to class during the week and have fun with your friends on the weekends without having to worry about all the â€Å"real world† responsibilities. Many people also say that getting involved in school activities and participating in sports is what makes your high school journey worthwhile. Now, it’s expected that youâ₠¬â„¢re going to forget how to graph a trigonometric function or what the foundations of AmericanRead MoreThe High School Sports Program869 Words   |  4 PagesIn this scenario you have a coach who is the pride and joy of the community and a principal who is faced with a difficult decision. As a sort of figurehead of the high school, the coach has a longstanding positive relationship with many members in the community. High school sports programs are often integral part of rural communities, as is demonstrated in this scenario. Mr. Bradley has not only been the basketball coach for the past 15 years, but in this role he has secured donations that have beenRead MoreHigh School Sports Essay812 Words   |  4 PagesCompetitive sports play a large role in many high schools. In high school I played every sport; Football, Basketball, Baseball, Lacrosse, Soccer, Swimming, I even Wrestled. High school sports over the past couple of years have become increasingly difficult to keep up with due to the vast amount of preparation you’re expected to do. Most recognize that the Pro’s and the NCAA have gone too far with there’s willingness to win. That do whatever it takes to win mentality kills from the game in my opinionRead MoreDo High School Sports Stay?1200 Words   |  5 PagesDo High School Sports Stay? Could you imagine a world of not that many kids going to college? Not a lot of healthy and happy kids? Well we can’t. Without high school sports, not a lot of kids would be happy or healthy. Parents who care about their child, support sports, or cares about our next generation then help save sports! Today’s generation of teens are getting more and more lazy as technology increases. High school sports will keep kids more busy and get them off their phone/tablet andRead MoreHigh School Sports in America Essay1146 Words   |  5 Pages Save High School Sports For years, sports have been a part of American high schools. They have been a source of school pride and give people a connection to their school. They break up the otherwise mundane routine of going to class and doing schoolwork. In recent years there has been a huge push by researchers, educators, politicians, and parents to figures out why America’s schools are constantly falling behind other countries in crucial test subjects. One of the latest reasons to blame for the

Friday, May 15, 2020

Class, Money, Pride and Happiness in Pride and Prejudice,...

Happiness can be defined in a plethora of ways such as good fortune, a state of well being, or a pleasurable, satisfying experience. William Thackeray’s Rebecca Sharp stated in the novel Vanity Fair that she â€Å"could be a good woman if she had five thousand pounds† and she â€Å"could dawdle about in the nursery and count the apricots on the wall† (VF 414). Marianne Dashwood of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility says that she â€Å"cannot be happy with a man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own† (SS 15). Most importantly, Elizabeth Bennet of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice states that she would be happy with someone who â€Å"has no improper pride† and â€Å"is perfectly amiable† (PP 364). While all of these novels give a glimpse into†¦show more content†¦Right from the beginning we understand that Mrs. Bennet’s motive is to marry off her 5 daughters(Elizabeth, Jane, Mary, Catherine, and Lydi a) to eligible suitors, particularly Mr. Bingley. Mr. Bennet, being â€Å"a mixture of quick parts† (7), is impartial to this and would rather not visit Mr. Bingley as Mrs. Bennet alludes that it is customary for the father to visit any potential suitor before the mother does. With this argument, we see that Mrs. Bennet’s happiness is directly linked to the well-being of her daughters. We also see that Mr. and Mrs. Bennet’s views of what’s right for their daughters are very different from each other with Mrs. Bennet doing whatever it takes to ensure the happiness of her daughters while Mr. Bennet is not so proactive in this endeavor. As the main protagonist of Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet’s views on happiness are very much so connected to her sense of pride. Mary Bennet, one of the younger Bennet sisters, states that â€Å"A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves† (PP 21). Throughout the novel we see that Elizabeth sees herself as a headstrong and sensible woman; one who would never fall to the fallible feelings caused by love and society. She is much like another of Austen’s protagonists, Elinor Dashwood of Sense and Sensibility, who states at one point during the novel, â€Å"Sometimes one is guided by what theyShow MoreRelatedPride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1724 Words   |  7 PagesThe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young woman’s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroine’s struggleRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pageshe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young woman’s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroine’s struggleRead More In Want of a Wife: Jane Austen’s Reaction to Marriage1624 Words   |  7 Pagesliterature was characterize d by many different authors, male and female. Jane Austen was only one of many authors in that era, and one of the longest lasting; through her many novels, she shows various views on love and marriage. In Jane Austen’s critically acclaimed novel, Pride and Prejudice, Austen spares no character, male or female, in her criticism of the understood custom that the only route to happiness was marriage. Jane Austen never married which influenced her portrayal of marriage throughoutRead More With particular reference to the novel opening, how does Jane Austen1247 Words   |  5 Pagesthe novel opening, how does Jane Austen present the role of women in pride and prejudice? Pride and Predujice With particular reference to the novel opening, how does Jane Austen present the role of women in pride and prejudice? Pride and prejudice was first published in 1893, this was a time when it just became acceptable for women to write and publish books. Pride and prejudice was set in the early 19th century in rural England. Pride and Prejudice is the story of Mr and Mrs BennetRead MoreSocial Commentary on Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin1734 Words   |  7 PagesPride and Prejudice Love and Marriage Jane Austen shows the readers within the first sentence what the plot and main theme of Pride and Prejudice is and what social ideas she plans on presenting through this novel. The first sentence of Pride and Prejudice stands as one of the most famous introductory lines in literature. It states, â€Å"it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife† (Austen 5). This statement puts the novel inRead MoreEssay on Pride and Prejudice Book Analysis1352 Words   |  6 Pages In Jane Austen’s England, British heritage, it was said that â€Å"we certainly know the world of the English late 18th century and the Regency beginning the 1800s was very different from our own. Her novels of love and social manners in the Regency gentry are loved because of her brilliant use of language and her savvy insight into human motivation and relationships.† (1) The book, â€Å"Pride and Prejudice,† by Jane Austen takes place in England around the 1800s.The setting itself is what sets the moodRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1189 Words   |  5 PagesAustyn Van Wagner Mrs. Morton AP Literature April 21, 2016 Jane Austen s use of Satire in Pride and Prejudice Set in Nineteenth-century England, Jane Austen s Pride and Prejudice is a satirical novel focused on the ideals of social class and marriage. Austen plays on social behavior to show a society in which a woman s character is of the ultimate importance. A lady is expected to behave in a specific way and breaking the set social norms can put her at risk of being ostracized. In the 1800Read MorePride and Prejudice by Jane Austen1271 Words   |  5 PagesThe novel â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† by Jane Austen, centers on the importance of marriage as one of life’s most important treasures and life’s greatest source of happiness. As the book title so rightfully depicts, pride and prejudice was demonstrated by the various social classes against each other as per the moral and social expectations of that society. Austen presents the reader with two main factor about relationships that are each based around different struggles including social class, love andRead MorePride and Prejudice Book Review1051 Words   |  5 PagesThe novel, Pride and prejudice, by Jane Austen criticizes the societal nature of England in the 18th century, through the characters and the story. She successfully integrates pride, prejudice and romance. She demonstrates that love can transcend societal divisions and personal pride although it can also be suppressed and overcome by them. The story revolves around the Bennett daughters centrally, Elizabeth and Jane who are being courted by different men who are wealthy, and a marriage to any ofRead MorePride and Prejudice Values Juxtaposed Letters to Alice1228 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Pride and Prejudice† and â€Å"Letters to Alice† contains many similarities yet some obvious differences even when considering the fact that they were written hundreds of years apart. Both texts provide strong perspectives on a variety of issues and are very blunt in their approach. The key issue throughout both novels is the ideol ogy of marriage in the sense of whether one should marry for love or financial stability and standing. Both novels are written in an epistolary format providing a different

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Values Essay Hnc Social Care - 1505 Words

Values In this assignment I will be discussing how my own personal value base impacts on Social Care Values and goals of my agency. I will also discuss how I have looked at anti-discriminatory practice, what values are involved and how I promote this in my own workplace. I will be identifying legislation and how this influences my practice as a worker. I believe that a value is something that is important to an individual and the values that I believe in play a very important role in my life. My values are greatly influenced by my family. My values include family, health, being respectful and non-judgmental. I also value my daughter, my friends and being honest. I believe that a value is something that you should assign love and†¦show more content†¦I believe this is important as it allows the individual to be able to do what they want and acknowledges that everyone is different and has different interests and tastes. Dignity within a caring role is also a very important value within my organisation as it gives the individual the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times. It allows each individuals care needs to be met in an honourable and person centred way. I believe that my own personal values have influenced the way in which I work and I am guided by the national care standards to fulfil these values ev en further. Anti-discriminatory practice is an action taken to prevent discrimination against people, in this case, service users, on the grounds of disability, gender, race or religion etc. It allows practice within a care setting to promote equality and diversity. By having an anti-discriminatory policy within my organisation it allows for good practice and prevents discrimination against individuals on the basis of physical or mental disability, general health, religion or cognitive ability. I believe that by understanding each individual’s personal care needs or wishes, we are able to prevent discrimination against them. For example if a service user has a sight impairment, it is good practice to ensure that any group work activity that is available for the day they attend day service, is catered around their ownShow MoreRelatedHNC Social Care Values and Principles Essay1154 Words   |  5 PagesHNC SOCIAL CARE VALUES ESSAY This essay will examine how social care values and principles influence practice. My own value base was influenced by my parents and extended family initially. As I was growing up teachers and peers also influenced my values. Amongst some of the values I live my life by are having self-respect and being respectful of others; being trustworthy, honest and truthful; being non-judgemental. I was always encouraged to work hard and do well at school which would help meRead MoreHnc Social Care Values Essay2444 Words   |  10 PagesValues are standards and principals by which we live our lives. These standards are many and often depend on people`s background e.g. Culture, class, religion, gender, age. Values are extremely individual attitudes that direct people`s responses to the world around them. Amongst some of the values I live my life by and respect are privacy allowing me to have space to myself and respecting the fact that others may desire privacy, to be safe and also allowing oth ers the same, having self respect, beingRead MoreEssay about Social Care Theory for Practice1426 Words   |  6 PagesSOCIAL CARE THEORY FOR PRACTICE (OUTCOME 1) ASSESSMENT 1 (1500 words approx.) (12th October 2012) Coco J Hendry Page 1 Introduction Page 2 – 5 Assessment Page 6 Conclusion Page 7 Reference/Bibliography 1 The following essay will demonstrate my understanding of the importance and relevance of values to social care by explaining how social care values and principles influence practice. I will then explain what relationship my value base has with social care valuesRead MoreCase Study: Applying Maslows Hierarchy of Needs to Team Building1218 Words   |  5 Pagesinformation from the various units I have covered throughout my HNC Social Care studies, with particular consideration given to the values on which The Scottish Government’s [TSG] ‘National Care Standards’ (2005) were created. The British Association of Social Workers (2012) tell us that these ‘values’ can be regarded as particular types of beliefs that people hold about what is regarded as worthy or valuable. In social care, these values consist of Dignity, Privacy, Choice, Safety, Realising PotentialRead MoreHnc Social Care Essay4439 Words   |  18 PagesHNC Social Care Booklet of Assessments This document contains all the assessment information you will need for the HNC Social Care. They are collated in chronological order with the lecturer responsible (where this is known) identified on the assessment. It is up to the learner to ensure that the assessment is handed in by the deadline. The assessment schedule will be posted on the moodle site. All work should be word processed and include appropriate references both in mainRead MorePsychology For Social Care Practice Essay2185 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿This essay will demonstrate my understanding of developments which occur at each stage of an individuals life cycle. I will relate these developments to two relevant psychological theories and discuss how an individuals needs must be met to enable them to develop. The human life cycle can be broken down into 5 basic stages (Bingham et al. 2009); Infancy - 0-2 years Childhood - 2-12 years Adolescence - 12-21 years Adulthood - 21-65 years Older Adulthood - 65+ years During each stage of the lifeRead MoreChallenges Facing International Talent Diversity Essay3170 Words   |  13 PagesIntroduction Ans 1. Challenges face by Pedi Cepat Scarcity of international talent Cultural Values Workforce Diversity Labour Relations How Pedi Cepat dealt with it Cultural Values Cultural differences in business can be a boundary to effective sales and new associations, yet in the meantime they can be the way to open the right entry ways in the event that you know how to function with them. Frequently, when getting ready for a worldwide expansion, a business focuses on the variables that can withoutRead MoreCase Study : Padi Cepat A Malaysian Company That Is Concerned About The Future Growth Essay3260 Words   |  14 Pageschallenges that would be faced by Padi Cepat are discussed in case study and the planning for to recruit expatriate overseas. Ans 1. Challenges face by Pedi Cepat Scarcity of international talent Cultural Values Workforce Diversity Labour Relations How Pedi Cepat dealt with it Cultural Values Cultural differences in business can be a boundary to effective sales and new associations, yet in the meantime they can be the way to open the right entry ways in the event that you know how to function withRead MoreReport on time management, SWOT analysis, learning styles and essay and report writing7192 Words   |  29 Pagesï » ¿A Report on Time Management, SWOT Analysis, Learning styles and report and essay writing Written by: Natasha Haley Written for: Graham Pogson Date: 11/10/13 Professional Development Planning C57PD Borders Business Programme, Year 1 Contents Section Page Number 1. Summary 2. Introduction 3. Findings 2.1 Time Management 2.2 SWOT Analysis 2.3 Learning styles 2.4 Report and essay writing 4. Conclusion 5. References 6. Bibliography 7. Appendices 3.1.1 Estimate

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Oracle Swot Analysis - Solution is Just a Click Away

Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management for Oracle Strategic Management Process. Answer: Introduction Oracle Company is one of the most fruitful and established multinational computer technology organizations of the world. It has nearly four lakh and twenty thousand customers and several branches in approximately 145 countries. The Oracle Corporation is headquartered in California, Redwood City. Being such a satisfactory and multinational company, it always maintains some definite and particular strategies to develop the business of the organization. An organization is directly and indirectly connected with many factors both internal and external which affects the profit or loss of that particular company. Here, for Oracle Corporation, it must be admitted they their performance as well as their return or customer feedback is very impressive. The following report is all about the various aspects of the Oracle Corporation and its business strategies. It is quite obvious that the mentioned company has already maintained some healthy and proper business and marketing strategies which hav e led them to such success. The main factors on which the company is depending are the mission vision of the organization, its various analyses, like, environmental analysis, industry analysis, potential competitor analysis, capability analysis and many others. Other than these points there are also some aspects that should be mentioned in the following report to make a strong overall assumption about the chosen company, Oracle Corporation, such as, the performance of the employees, the communication between the employees and the management as well as the customers and others. ERP is nothing but the process of utilizing the people for the benefit of the organization as a whole and to make the hardware and software more productive and profitable. Thus it is quite clear that the Oracle Corporation has paid proper attention to their ERP. Otherwise, they would not have been so much successful with their cloud applications all over the world. Mission vision and objectives Whenever an organization launches any new product or service to the customers, their prime target is to reach their goals. For that, the companies should have a specific purpose or mission (Al-yaseri, 2010). To achieve their mission, they should maintain a specific and reliable way or in other words, they should have a clear vision to follow to develop the organization and last but not the least the companies must have some individual objectives to fulfill. These are the fundamental sects that an organization should be concerned of for the ultimate benefit of the whole group. Here, Oracle Corporation being a multinational large-scale organization apparently maintains an active mission, vision, and objectives. Whatever organization it is, its primary purpose or target is always to return the invested money to the stockholders and the same goes for the Oracle Corporation. Their primary goal or mission is, of course, to make a profit and to get positive feedback from their customer just as any other companies. As they have successfully achieved their mission, it can easily be assumed that they also have a very impressive and vigorous vision or planning (Capability planning and analysis to optimize Air Force intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance investments, 2012). To get the mission or the goals, the chosen company should take some concrete steps and should implement something new and latest in their organization. These will help the team as a whole to get their goals or to be more prcised these aspects have already helped the Oracle Corporation to achieve their aims. Objectives are nothing but a part of the mission of the company, here Oracle Corporation. The prime objectives of the Oracle Corporation are to get the customer service goals, to achieve the sales success, financial goals and other measurable objectives (Costantini and Mazzanti, 2013). It is clearly evident from various statistics that the chosen company has always managed to maintain the me ntioned three keys for the betterment of the company as a whole. Thus it is quite clear that the main mission of the company Oracle Corporation is to produce more reliable and better database system and to get the proper customer feedback. For that they are obviously taking the right steps like, in last few years they have gained a huge positive feedback from the customers. For that they had to maintain their prime objectives. Macro environmental analysis Every organization whether it is a large-scale organization or a small scale organization, is always affected by some external environmental factors or aspects (Davis, Shaver, and Beck, 2008). The study of each and every minor to major factors that affect the company here, the Oracle Corporation, in a negative or positive ways and the ways to secure the organization from these elements are known as the macro environmental analysis. Figure- 1 Source- Figure 1 represents the various aspects of an environmental analysis. Oracle Corporation, it is quite obvious that they are very successful with their environmental analysis and they have significant data on the environment as well as the market in which they are operating their business. The head office of the company Oracle Corporation is in California which means they had to perform their macro environmental analysis in accordance with some factors of their nation, society and politics (Jin, Liu and Qi, 2012). In the year of 1977, Oracle Corporation had performed a very strong political and social study to determine the strategies they would take to make the whole organization better. Even now they are enough aware of changing or modifying their strategies in accordance with the political or social and also some other basic aspects of the environment. The promotions of their service and the purpose of their service have a social cause and effect which is apparently positive. That helps the company to set an impact on the society. Being a technologic al company, they are more cautious with their internal technologies and introduce new, latest and more reliable technologies to develop the organization as a whole. The economy is something that can be regarded as the soul of any business. Thus the Oracle Corporation have a big study on the economy of the state or the nation in which they are running their business and do the future planning by the economic study. From few statistics and surveys it is quite clear that the Oracle Corporation is impressive with their economical strategy. The economy of the nation in which they operate their company is too high, that is why they have chosen that place or environment to be the perfect place for their controlling or the head office. Similarly Oracle Corporation is also concerned about the political risks that usually most of the company faces during any kind of political change. They are maintaining a nice and pleasant relationship with the hosting government of their nation and they als o have the legal legislations and permits for running their organization successfully (Maro, 2011). Oracle can use the macro environmental analysis to determine the all possible opportunities as well as threats. The opportunities and threats will impact on Oracle as total and also develop the outside control of their industry. By the strategy oracle can develop their environmental factors which impact all the possible things to develop the growth of oracle. Industry analysis Industry analysis can be regarded as the study of the organization's various aspects as a whole which will provide every information of that particular organization. Such as its competitor analysis, product analysis, market analysis and different internal factors like the production procedure, employee satisfaction, working process of the management as well as the employees, communication between the workers and many other details (Mitrega, 2006). In this case, for, Oracle Corporation it must be admitted that they are quite impressive with their industry analysis otherwise they would not have been made this rate of success. Being a globalized company they have to maintain individual branch analysis. First Oracle Corporation is very much concerned about their market analysis. They have studied the market in which they are running their business; they have all the data including the planning of the potential rivals, requirements of the customers as well as the employees. Not only these but they are also quite aware of their competitor analysis. Among their prime rival organizations IBM, SAP and many other companies are going very good. But Oracle Corporation has managed to the right information about the strategies and the customer review of this rival organization. After that they are determining their working procedure and the strategies for the betterment of their business. (Philips, 2005). The Oracle Corporation is a multinational and one of the most successful database companies, which means they can fulfill the necessary requirements of the customers and for that, they surely had performed a successful analysis. It is said that if any organization wants to run their business successfully, they must know the each and every detail of themselves, only then they would be able to bring the proper and needed changes to their organizations. These are the primary statements which are attached to the industry analysis. Not only Oracle Corporation but if every organi zation follows these mentioned steps they would surely be able to make more profits and develop the organization as a whole (Radojevic and Bashkin, 2006). By using Industry analysis, Oracle can develop their strategic management process to achieve the organizational goal. It is a tool by which oracle can understand their organizational position among other companies. Capability analysis Oracle Corporation has a significant and positive capability, for which they are one of the most renowned companies (V., 2012). They are quite familiar with their strengths and weaknesses and have made uses of them to increase the amount of profit (Vogel, 2007). They maintain a proper statistic and calculations of their investments, return, profit and loss which inevitably helps them to perform their job in a better way. These are the basic and main factors that a company should do to understand their capability and after identifying these capacities, they must improve them and make the correct implementations for the betterment of the company as a whole, here Oracle Corporation. Apart from these, there are also some other aspects that a company should follow to run their business successfully which are explained in the following report (Yao, 2014). It is very crucial for oracle to use the capability analysis to observe the entire manufacturing process of oracle. Oracle can develop their process and product capability by using this analysis. One of the prime reasons behind their success is that once they had thought that they are capable of making good quality database. This confidence followed by the correct steps has made it possible for them to establish such a successful database corporation like the Oracle Corporation. Proposed strategy The strategy is a careful method or plan to achieve a particular goal. The plan may be a long period. That is mainly the skills of making out plans to achieve a particular goal for any organization. Here, in this case, an Organization named Oracle has some strategy to follow. Mainly these strategies are for the organization to be developed. SWOT Analysis Strength, Weakness, opportunities and Threats all together along are called the SWOT analysis. Oracle in this case has used the SWOT analysis in a very effective way. Strength Oracle has presented a very impressive and advanced strategy which can be called the better option compared with the current competitor of the oracle. A research says that oracle is positioned in the fifth place in the IT management software market. There are some other advantages in which it can be seen that Oracle has the strength to be in the top of the market. Oracle is a very experienced IT management software management group that can be termed as stability and viability. Larry Ellison is a great leader who has been working hard to take Oracle to the top of the market. It not only offers the help in the field of job, students are also benefitted by this in the school college or university level. The employees here are not the part of the union so there is very little scope for work stoppage and the relation between employees are very good. Weakness The advertising portion of Oracle is not so good. The strategy of Oracle is limited to the Innovation and thinking. Ellison has a no holds expelled attitude which alienates people and can be a control freak. Some international operations are in less control rather than domestic as Oracle is in partnership with Reliance and alliances instead of direct participation. There was a problem in 1997 within the organization and with its application business. Ellison found that the different products are being used in the different department of the company. Later on, this problem was solved but the impression of the company that time became a bit bad. Opportunities Oracle has always been providing career opportunities for the deserving candidates. Ellison has kept the gate of the company opened always for those who are willing to get a job with proper qualification. Moreover the recruitment process of Oracle goes on every now and then which makes this organization more popular in the field of career building. Threats The biggest companies all around the world keep their valuable data in Oracle databases but there is also a new kind of database called noSQL that slowly has become a threat for Oracle Corporation. noSQL has begun their journey as a traditional or supplement SQL database. It mainly handles the kind of data that SQL didnt do well. Especially it works with the messy data and has the ability to spread among the cheap servers. Mainly SQL likes the data to be clean and tidy and obviously all in just one place and thats the main reason Oracle bought Sun Microsystems and got into the hardware business also. Recently the makers of noSQL databases said their technique didnt really compete with Oracle because it is mainly fitted in different needs. To measure the effectiveness of a corporate strategy, it is extremely important to introduce a SWOT analysis and the Oracle Corporation has made great use of these process for the betterment of their business. In the case of corporate strategy, a strategic option can be represented by Johnson and Scholes. It contains three key factors which the Oracle Corporation has maintained in an impressive way. Suitability Feasibility Acceptability This process is also known as SFA method because of its key factors. Thats Suitability, Feasibility, and Acceptability. Suitability The overall process of strategy management process can be maintained by Suitability (Sage 2008). The concern with the economic strategy of a company is the main features of this critical point (Berman 2008). It deals with a specific proposal for a company. Thus it must be admitted that the Oracle Corporation is quite aware of their suitability and they have made great use of it in order to develop their organization. By applying the suitability key point, a company should be assured about their business proposals. Suitability point fits the proposal with corporate strategic plan and identifies the proposal validation. It mainly checks if the proposal is valid or not. It is very useful for organizations to identify a specific proposal for company strength and avoid weaknesses. It concerns with the external factors like changing government policy. Economy scale and scope can be obtained by that key point. All the environmental issues, as well as capability issues, can be fixed by Suita bility strategy. It uses some tools. That is ranking strategic options, Decision trees, and What-if analysis. Feasibility One of the most important parts of implementing a corporate strategy is known as Feasibility. To implement a corporate strategy, it is very crucial to concern with the necessary resources. The resources can be maintained by Feasibility (Feasibility 1995). The resources can be developed and accessed by Feasibility. The resources contain funding, information, people and time relatively. The entire feasibility process depends on the timescale. To judge the desired result, it is very crucial to implement feasibility. It judges the desired result and keep necessary information about the result whether it is available in the timescale or not. Feasibility process also depends on the company capacity and resources. Acceptability The identified stakeholder's expectation can be concerned by Acceptability. The identified stakeholders may contain the shareholders, customers, and employees. It also deals with the expected performance of each employee as well as all stakeholders (Schwartz,2007). It also concerned with the expected performance outcomes and stakeholder's reaction. The three factors of this process are- Return Risk Stakeholder reactions The expected benefit of all stakeholders can be determined by introducing Return. All stakeholders such as financial and non-financial are benefited by this process. Wealth increase can be expected by shareholders (Phillips and Freeman 2010). An employee can be expected to develop their career, and all the customers of the cop may expect an enhanced value of money. The probability, as well as consequence of a strategy, can be implemented by Risk. It checks all the financial and non-financial probability of the strategy. By anticipating with the expected reaction of the stakeholders, it is very crucial to determine all stakeholder's reaction. The issue for the new shares can be opposed by the shareholders. The unions and employees can be opposed to losing their jobs. The customers can oppose to quality as well as support. Acceptability uses some tools. Thats stakeholder mapping and what-if analysis. Oracle need to use the SFA strategic analysis by using some SWAT tool to determine small no of strategic options. Those strategic options are identified to develop or benefit the organization like Oracle. Oracle can develop their strategic planning and evaluate the importance as well as the strengths and weaknesses by using this process. Presentation For implementing and presenting a strategic management process, it is very crucial to introduce a Presentation part. The presentation section contains many tasks. Being one of the most successful companies, Oracle Corporation is regarded as one of the best presenters in the world. It has more than four lakhs of customers in around 145 countries for a reason. It is the smart presentation of the organization as well as their products which have helped the company to get this much success. The key points that Oracle Corporation have followed for a better presentation are- appointing more reliable and deducted employees as well as the management, improving the creative aspect of the product, like the logo, analyzing the needs and requirements of the customers and implementing them to the product and many others. Complimentary use of sources of information It is critical to obtain, store and process information for an organizational success as well as profitability. The resource management process can challenge managers and researchers to create as well as adopt some new policies. Also, some new strategies can be adopted by the recourse management and solution for the strategic management. It is a comprehensive method which addresses major issues to develop a strategic management process. It is very useful to collect information from leading companies as well as markets. The reference mainly used to encompass essential strategies and figure out the issues to resolve them. Being a multinational company, Oracle Corporation has a great and reliable source from which they can get the required data on the market, rival organization, customer and many others. Conclusion The whole report primarily represents the several considerations about the internal and external environment of Oracle to focus on their ERP domain. The report explains all possible declarations of developing Oracle strategic management process to lead the company strategically. The employees of the company have to be aware the changes off general environment. They need to concern with their particular industry elements as well as their potential energy. SWOT analysis provides an efficient framework which may lead the company to develop with the changing environment. To understand the close competitors, it is valuable to use some strategic groups. The strategic groups can monitor their corporate environment by using some tools. This increases the business growth of Oracle. References Al-yaseri, S. (2010). Distributed University Registration Database System Using Oracle 9i.CIS, 3(1). 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