Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about Objectivism in The Fountainhead - 938 Words

Objectivism in The Fountainheadnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Philosophy demands literature that can abet the understanding of social views. Without reflective literature, man cannot begin to comprehend the essential messages behind philosophy. One such philosophy, objectivism, is represented exceptionally by the novel, The Fountainhead. Through the use of compelling dialogue, Ayn Rand reveals her own feelings towards objectivism, and her thoughts towards conformity and independence. The interpretations and the implications of several of the quotes within The Fountainhead accurately depict the essence of objectivism and encourages the opposition of conventional standards through the embodiment of the uncompromising innovator standing against the†¦show more content†¦Howard Roark, is a man who refuses to succumb to that greater entity and is able to think and judge for himself. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Egotism is defined as an exaggerated sense of self importance. Often times, independence and conformity play a very large part in egotism. Whether a man is a conformist or non- conformist, he is affected to some degree by his own egotism. Is ego, then, harmful or beneficial to our growth and self- actualization? Katie, a somewhat ineffectual minor character had a very revealing discussion with her uncle, Ellsworth Toohey, regarding her unhappiness. nbsp; Toohey: If your first concern is for what you are or think or feel or have or havent got---youre nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;still a common egotist. Katie: You mean, I must want to be unhappy? Toohey: No. You must stop wanting anything. nbsp; Ellsworth Toohey, the humanitarian, is stating that when a persons first thoughts are about themself, than they are an egotist. Yet, to some degree, isnt everyone an egotist? If man does not care about himself, his feelings, or his possessions, and has just given up on the world, than what is that man? He is most likely be a Howard Roark. So, whenShow MoreRelated Objectivism and The Fountainhead Essay2099 Words   |  9 PagesObjectivism and The Fountainhead  Ã‚      How should we live our lives? Do you live for others or for yourself? What do you deem to be the ideal: selflessness, or selfishness? Why? Ayn Rand’s novel The Fountainhead addresses these issues and her philosophy behind it called Objectivism. Her rebellious rhetoric is to convince us that the only true virtue is selfishness and that we should abide by its standards and live for ourselves. Ayn Rand was from the Soviet Union, and her background helpsRead MoreEssay on Objective Objectivism in The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand1463 Words   |  6 Pages Objectivism is defined as â€Å"an ethical theory that moral good is objectively (based on facts rather than feelings or opinions) real or that moral precepts are objectively valid.† (Webster). Demonstrated by Ayn Rand in the book, The Fountainhead, objectivism seems to most, to be morally wrong, and socially impractical, despite seeming to be a stress-free way of life. In The Fountainhead, Howard Roark does not see relationships as necessary, but as a means to an end. For America to be purely objectivistRead MoreAnalysis Of Ayn Rand s The Fountainhead 1490 Words   |  6 PagesBlake Stawar Ms. Haskins Honors American Literature 27 October 2017 Objectivism in The Fountainhead Not many authors create philosophies to include in their novels, but Ayn Rand did. Ayn Rand used her philosophy in the main characters and influenced American society during the Cold War with her novel The Fountainhead. Through the actions of the protagonist Howard Roark, Ayn Rand demonstrates her philosophy of objectivism and her belief in individualism which reflect her opposition towards communismRead MoreNot an Ayn Rand Essay1525 Words   |  7 Pages The fiction novel, The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand is based off of her philosophy of Objectivism. Ayn Rand defines and separates her philosophy of Objectivism into four different and distinct parts. The first part Ayn Rand explains is Metaphysics. Metaphysics is an objective reality where you only accept facts as reality and not fantasies or desires. The next part of Objectivism is Epistemology, which is reasoning by perceiving reality by using knowledge or facts as your guide. The third part isRead MoreThe Fountainhead by Ayn Rand and The Open Boat by Stephen Crane867 Words   |  4 PagesFountainhead and The open boat In today’s world there are many kinds of people that do things at their own free will. In the novel â€Å"The Fountainhead† it is shown that people made their own decisions to go where they wanted to go in their own free will. In the story â€Å"The Open Boat† men have shown to open to their own instincts and follow their own path for survival. Both stories show many forms of determinism, objectivism, naturalism, collectivism, realism, etc. All to be shown at their own freeRead MoreThe Metaphor Of Architecture In Ayn Rands Fountainhead1547 Words   |  7 PagesThe Metaphor of Architecture in The Fountainhead At the outset of her novel The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand delivers an unorthodox artistic theme. Unlike other conventional art forms like poetry, painting, or music that dwell upon human emotion, the unique theme bears its roots within the realm of reason and rational thought. The art of architecture is observed as the medium for which the implied values of selfishness, individuality, and independence are revealed. In formalizing the essentialRead More Individualism in The Fountainhead Essay1303 Words   |  6 PagesIndividualism in The Fountainhead  Ã‚           Individualism, the doctrine of free thought and action of the individual, forms the basis of Ayn Rands novel The Fountainhead. The major theme of her fiction is the primacy of the individual, the unique and precious individual life. That which sustains and enriches life is good, that which negates and impoverishes the individuals pursuit of happiness is evil. The Fountainhead is Rands fullest explication of the primacy of the individual. AsRead MoreIndividualism and Collectivism in Fountainhead by Ayn Rand943 Words   |  4 PagesLois Cook is a writer of nonsense who exercises nonconformity and is under the control of Toohey. However, her pursuit of nonconformity, often thought to be the opposite of blind obedience, is merely a variation on the same theme. In Fountainhead, Ayn Rand explores the theme of individualism versus collectivism, not only in politics but in mans soul; the psychological motivations and the basic premises that produce the character of an individualist or a collectivist. Howard Roark is anRead More The Power of the Moral Ideal in The Fountainhead Essay1348 Words   |  6 PagesPower of the Moral Ideal in The Fountainhead  Ã‚      The Fountainhead is a novel of gigantic proportions.   It deals with great talent and great mediocrity, with great love and great hatred, with great ambition and equally great complacence.   It unpretentiously chooses to steer clear of the much hyped common man, with his commonplace dreams and aspirations. The theme of The Fountainhead can be summarized in the famous line by the author-mans ego is the fountainhead of human progress.   The novelRead More Struggle Between Excellence and Mediocrity in The Fountainhead1540 Words   |  7 PagesStruggle Between Excellence and Mediocrity in The Fountainhead  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Ayn Rands The Fountainhead is a story of the struggle between men of greatness and men of mediocrity. An individualist to the core, Rand defines a man of greatness as one who is independent and uncompromising, one who derives his self-respect from his accomplishments and integrity rather than the approval of others. Rand defines a man of mediocrity, by contrast, as one who doesnt care about actually being competent and

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Juvenile Crime and Socio Economic Factors Essay - 1610 Words

Crime at any age and in any form is a social problem and should be stopped or curbed at any cost. Crime at a juvenile age is on one hand a crime against property and life, and on the other a crime against humanity. It is a much graver social danger that holds the seed of an evident social disaster implanted into it. Criminologists hold different views regarding the root of juvenile crime and that often leads into quite the argument. Irrespective of those theoretical head on collisions, the presence of socio economic factors behind each juvenile crime committed is almost accepted by all. No one is a born criminal and it is evident that the surrounding socio economic environment acts as an important element and a catalyst in turning a young†¦show more content†¦Metaphorically speaking, a tree determines the kind of fruit it is going to produce in future. Strong statistical evidence might be produced here in a â€Å"study of 250 boys found that among boys at age 10, the strong est predictors of later convictions for violent offenses (up to age 45) were poor parental supervision, parental conflict, and parental aggression, including harsh, punitive discipline.† (Shadier, 6) Again, if the adults of a family are already engaged into anti social activities, and the child witnesses such activities on a regular basis it becomes a school for criminal lessons. Going by the social process theory, individuals react to such conflict situations with hostility and anti social activities (Zarka). It is worth mentioning a study in this respect that was â€Å"carried out in prisons in the United States reveals that families involved in criminal activities tend to push their younger members towards violating the law. More than two-third of those interviewed had relatives who were incarcerated; for twenty percent it was a father and for another twenty five percent a brother or sister.† (Chapter 7: Juvenile Delinquency, 196) Evidence has also been found that a family where peace and love are distant issues and that displays continuous marital disorder results in creating an environment that eventually promotes juvenile delinquency. This is also true for families with evidence of divorce, though atShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Gender And Socio Economic Status1091 Words   |  5 PagesThis essay will analyse the role of the dynamics of gender and socio-economic status to discuss the importance of these two factors to understand crime. Gender and socio-economic status are the ways in which the individuals in a society are classified and judged as; some argue that this is the very cause of inequality (Parker Hefner 2013 p. 224). The gender in this case, does not address the biological definition but it includes the socially constructed model for performing a gender in a societyRead MoreThe Problem Of Recidivism Today s Society And How It Is Hitting Extremely High Numbers1289 Words   |  6 Pageshaul being placed in and out of jails, Califor nia Youth Authority programs, and eventually becoming apart of the revolving door of the prison industry. Often these problems stem from lack off community resources, child abuse, neglect and their socio-economic state. On top of this reoccurring issue, individuals do not have transitional help when they get out. We are in dire need of the implementation of programs that assist these offenders on how to live on the outside. I agree with Chauncey G. ParkerRead MoreScrutinizing Child Externalizing Behavioral Problems725 Words   |  3 PagesDevelopment, 67(1996), 3320-3337. 2 Hawkins, D. (1996). Delinquency and Crime: Current Theories, Cambridge University. 3 McCord, J. (1991), Family Relationships, Juvenile Delinquency, and Adult Criminality, Criminology, 29(3), 397-408. 3 Travis, C.P; Michael, G.T; Alex, R.P (2004), Parental Socialization and Community Context: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Structural Sources of Low Self-Control. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 41(3), 219-243 4 Michael M.C; Petit, GregoryRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Essay1646 Words   |  7 PagesA juvenile delinquent offense is an act committed by a juvenile for which an adult would be tried at a criminal court. New statistics give an alarming picture: juvenile delinquency is higher as never before. According to the census bureau, in 2008 there were 1,653,000 recorded delinquent offenses in the United States. This is a 23.6% increase from 1990 when 1,337,000 delinquent offenses occurred. Today, a lot of people demand lowering the age of criminal responsibility and draconian penalties (JensonRead MoreThe 19th Century : The Nineteenth Century1333 Words   |  6 Pages had children as young as fifteen married and having children of their own (Hacker D. J., 2003). The age distinction we place on juveniles today would not have been applied at that time, subsequently juveniles who broke the law were tried in the same courts as adults. Some youths as young as fourteen years old were executed for their crimes until 1899 when the Juvenile Court of Law was established in Chicago, Illinois (Jensen, G. Shoemaker, D., 2007). It is painful to consider that youth who foughtRead MoreAnalyzing Violence and Crime in USA1357 Words   |  5 Pagesintroduce the subject of juvenile crime and youth violence and indentify similarities to these situations around the world. Next, this essay will explore the idea and role of capitalism and hot it contributes to the problem. Finally, this writing will discuss the medias role within this complex situation and how it affects the circumstances revolving around this particular problem. Juvenile Crime and Youth Violence Juvenile crime is not new. Juveniles have committed crimes for as long as human historyRead MoreChild Development And Its Effects On Children2377 Words   |  10 PagesAccording to the UNICEF, an alarming number of children around the world who are convicted for various crimes are usually deprived of their needs and rights and held in detention without sufficient care. While the condition stresses on the improvement of these children, still there are issues of severe deprivation. Moreover, most of them are not been liked and yet are being held for months, often without access to legal aids, resulting that the majority of children come to conflicts with law. SomeRead MoreJuvenile Deliquency in Ibadan, Nigeria15127 Words   |  61 PagesJUVENILE DELIQUENCY IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION In the 1990s, juvenile delinquency has become a major global problem. The rising incidence of juvenile delinquency in many countries may be caused by certain socio-economic problems often associated with development. These includes; poverty, rapid population growth, unemployment, urbanization, industrialization, inadequate shelter and housing, youth unemployment, and under employment, breakdown of the family unit, inadequateRead MoreCritically Evaluate the Claim That People Commit Crime as a Result of Socio-Economic Inequality.3092 Words   |  13 Pagesclaim that people commit crime as a result of socio-economic inequality.Critically evaluate the claim that people commit crime as a result of socio-economic inequality. Word Count – 2,849 It is a global fact that crime is most rife in areas of extreme poverty and lower-working class, and has been for many centuries. This essay will delve into many theories to assess whether the varying rates of crime in different societies and groups of social status are a result of economic classes in society.Read MoreThe Social Phenomenon Of Female Juvenile Prostitution Essay1652 Words   |  7 Pages SAVING OUR GIRLS Nikia S. Gettridge Understanding Prostitution The social phenomenon of female juvenile prostitution is a serious problem that is difficult to understand and troublesome to acknowledge. The fact that young girls are finding their way into the complex system of prostitution is often met with disbelief (OJJDP, 2002). In order to understand prostitution, it is necessary to understand: 1. Lethal gender inequality 2. Incest and other childhood sexual assault 3

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

College Students Cheating on Exams free essay sample

Consequences of a college student cheating on exams In today’s age when you look at the word â€Å"Cheating†, you may find many different definitions or meanings. Whether you cheat at work; known as fraud, cheat at home; known as dishonesty, or at school, this act of conduct can lead to many consequences made by ones choice. Cheating as a word to me means to not follow rules or standards brought up as a person. As we focus today on students cheating, the first thing that comes to my mind is cheating on an exam. As much as we hate to believe it, students in these days have followed the path of trying to do anything to get that grade. I believe many students today are driven to cheat when there is too much emphasis to ace an exam from both parents and school staff. It’s difficult to dismiss why students cheat, but I think if you eliminate pressure, students are less likely to engage in such conduct. We will write a custom essay sample on College Students Cheating on Exams or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Cheating leads to breaking the rules in many cases. Sometimes cheating can also lead to students finding someone else to help take one another’. No matter how careful teachers or programs are designed to prevent it, students will always find ways to get around obstacles and cheat at one point. Students may think cheating on an exam might seem like an easy way for a student to get a good grade and get ahead in his or her career, but the end result is when students cheat on exams, everyone is affected in many ways. When a student cheats or decides to cheat on an exam, they forget to think about the consequences that occur as a result of the decision made. Have you ever stopped and thought of the different consequences that occur? Consequences can vary depending on the student getting caught cheating. Some professors may issue a grade of a zero as a standard consequence; other professors may report the cheating to school board depending on the kind of test taken. In most cases, the student will be put on academic probation for repeat offenses which can affect the student’s career development. The student may be able to get a job with more responsibilities and more pay, but they may not be able to keep it, or might even harm people. Whether the student’s career is medical assistant, a teacher, or a lawyer, the exams are supposed to show the level of knowledge required for them to perform well and how can one show that when they are cheating on studies or exams. Another consequence of students cheating is that students, who cheat and get aught, cause other current and future students who do not cheat to become penalized for honesty. When students cheat they change the rules of education in favor of themselves. At the same time changing rules for themselves also cause changing rules for those that choose not to cheat, end result at one point or another someone will be affected. When you think of cheating, the question you should ask yourself should be; â€Å"Are you willing to take a huge risk and possibly affect your future? The end result to cheating is obviously n ot a good turnout that leads to many different wrong roads. Many people say once a cheater, always a cheater meanings if you cheat once, are you bound to cheat again or will you learn from your mistakes. On the basis of predictability of human conduct, when you think of exams your first perception would be who is going to cheat on the exam. There are many different reasons why people cheat, just as there are differences in individuals who may cheat. For some, cheating is a way of life, one may cheat for some relief and in other cases others may cheat and be caught off guard causing a momentary slipup, which in end result may never happen again. Now what causes a person to act in that behavior, and determine what caused that behavior. What factors lead a person to cheat is what many ask. Eventually one can make a change and not cheat again. I believe schools should organize speakers, programs and workshops in the framework of helping a student to cope with stress. As part of these programs, parents should be made aware of how they often teach their children to cheat by increasing the pressure or demonstrating that success is the ultimate value in life. Students need to learn that you can cheat your way through school, graduate without learning anything, then get a profession and cause another person to get hurt due to not knowing anything in school due to cheating. Next time if you should cheat to make that extra grade, think again because it may result in hurting yourself and your future or the future of others.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What are the important events that take place during chapters 2 and 3 Essay Example For Students

What are the important events that take place during chapters 2 and 3 Essay For this essay I will be discussing the events that take place and lessons learnt by certain characters throughout these two chapters. We have just reached the part of the story where summer has just come to an end in the town Maycomb and school is about to start. At the beginning of chapter two, Dill has just left Maycomb to return home, whilst Scout, the narrator of the story is excited and eager to begin her first day of school. However once she arrives, Miss Caroline Fisher, a young and new teacher from North Alabama decides to haul Scout up to the front. We will write a custom essay on What are the important events that take place during chapters 2 and 3 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Miss Caroline pats the palm of Scouts hand with a ruler and makes her stand in the corner until noon, as a sign of punishment. This is where Scout learns that school is different from what she may have expected it to be. Another important event that takes place during the school day is when Miss Caroline asks Scout to read the alphabet she has printed out onto the board. To her surprise, Scout, being a literate child is able to read. Later on she is also caught writing a letter to Dill and is told to tell her father to stop teaching her, as Miss Caroline assumes that Atticus, Scouts father, has educated her. Miss Caroline tells Scout off for being educated as it will interfere with the new teaching methods making her feel guilty and angry. It is as if when Scout means all well, she is instead punished for it. This all causes Scout to tell her brother Jem during recess that if she didnt have to stay shed leave (page 24) The reader learns about The Cunninghams in the next event that takes place. Children who did not go home for lunch were expected to bring food to school. As Miss Caroline walked around the desks looking at the childrens food she sees that Walter Cunningham has no lunch she asks him where it is. She soon offers him a quarter to go and buy lunch but he would not take it. Scout is then provoked to tell Miss Caroline that he was a Cunningham. Miss Caroline is puzzled by this remark so Scout explains it to her. This is where the reader learns that The Cunninghams did not have much and would not take anything they were unable to pay back as they had little or no money. Due to the frustration that has over come Miss Caroline as she is unable to understand the situation that Scout is telling her about, forces her to grab Scout by the collar and slap her with a ruler on her hand. Chapter two ends with the class filling out for lunch. As Scout was the last to leave she was able to see Miss Caroline bury her head into her arms. This could have been because she has discovered her teaching methods dont work and that children at Maycomb are possibly different. As Scout saw Walter as the victim of her getting into trouble she rubbed his noise in the dirt and Jem soon intercedes telling Scout to stop. It is not long until Jem invites Walter over to dinner. As the children arrive home, Jem runs into the kitchen telling Calpurnia, the house servant who had taught Scout to write, to set an extra plate for Walter. Atticus and Walter discuss farming like two men as described on page 30. As Walter receives his food he asks if there are any molasses in the house.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Loss of Faith Essay Sample free essay sample

It is really hard for a immature adolescent to maintain religion in a God during a crisis. This can be really good shown in Elie Wiesel’s fresh Night. This novel is a personal. first individual history of a immature kid. named Eliezer. and his clip in a concentration cantonment with his male parent. It shows how Elie’s religion. one time strong and improbably vivacious. becomes about nil. Be it through the loss of faith one of his wise mans has. or seeing human organic structures burn around you. or seeing a incapacitated immature male child. seeking to acquire air as his organic structure bents from a noose. All picks and determinations. though have a starting point. and Elie’s get downing point was when 1 he looks up. began to lose religion in the Godhead God. Elie used to hold a really strong religion in God. He had such a strong religion that he wanted to analyze the Kabbalah as a adolescent. We will write a custom essay sample on The Loss of Faith Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page but the Kabbalah is meant to be taught at the age of at least 30. He besides prayed to God every twenty-four hours and wanted to be a rabbi when he grew up. This all began to alter. when one of his wise mans. Moishe the Beatle was expelled from Sighet. the town where he lived for being a foreign Jew. After several months. Moishe returned. but he was non the same adult male who he used to be. Harmonizing to Elie. â€Å"Moishe was non the same. The joy in his eyes was gone. He no longer sang. He no longer mentioned either God or Kabbalah. † ( Weisel. 7 ) Though this didn’t straight affect Elie. it began to works a little seed of uncertainty in God. Two old ages after this experience. though. Elie see’s something that causes him to lose about all religion in God. Ellie arrived at Auschwitz in the spring of 1944 after being kept in a hot. crowded. disease- ridden boxcar. Upon his reaching. he could see ash. which looked like snow. and he could smell firing human flesh. Others who were there were stating that the Nazis were firing the Jews and cremating them alive. Elie could non believe it. until they separated him from his female parent and sister whom he neer saw once more. The Nazis so made Elie. his male parent. and other male subsisters walk right past the fires where they were firing people. The Jews began to declaim the Kaddish. or the supplication of the dead. and as one can see. Elie began to lose all religion in God. He thought as his people were declaiming the supplication â€Å"For the first clip. I felt choler lifting within me. Why should I consecrate His name? The Almighty. the ageless and awful Maestro of the Universe. take to be soundless. What is at that place to thank Him for? † ( Weisel. 33 ) Weisel. though. has yet to see one concluding act that begins to do him lose religion in God about wholly. Watching a immature kid dice right before your eyes is a awful thing to witness. Watching a kid panting for his last breath while being hung is a life altering event. Elie saw a immature kid being hung right in forepart of him. The immature kid was associated with some Rebels within Buna. so the Nazi’s. as penalty. and to put an illustration. They hung him and others who broke the regulations. As the smothering kid was hanging on his snare. panting for his last breath. Elie heard a adult male behind him inquiring â€Å" ‘For God’s interest. where is God? ’ And from within me ( Elie ) I heard a voice reply: ‘Where His is? This is where- hanging here from this gallows†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬  ( 65 ) Elie had come to the decision that God was dead and was powerless against the Nazi’s. Elie has now given up his religion in God. By the clip Elie gets out of the concentration cantonment on April 10th. 1945. he has seen more horrors and suffered more hurting as adolescent than many grownups have their full life. Be it through the loss of his male parent. to the decease of the remainder of his household. to even being beaten and starved to approach decease twenty-four hours after twenty-four hours upon being in the concentration cantonment. Elie’s religion in God is about gone. because he watched a immature kid bent before his eyes. he saw his ain instructor lose complete religion in God. and he even saw people’s organic structures firing before him. Elie had a wholly sensible ground to give up his religion in God. But. he didn’t lose his full religion. By the clip he reached maturity. he became a practicing Jew. Ishmael thanks God for maintaining him alive during his stay at the concentration cantonment during his Nobel Prize credence Speech on December 10. 1986. He said ; â€Å"Words of gratitude. First to our common Creator. This is what the Judaic tradition commands us to make. At particular occasions. one is duty-bound to declaim the undermentioned supplication: ‘Barukuh atah Adonai†¦ shehekhyanu vekiymanu vehiganu lazman hazeh’- Blessed be Thou- for giving us life. for prolonging us. and for enabling us to make this twenty-four hours. † ( 117 )

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Learn How to Pronounce the Letter S in French

Learn How to Pronounce the Letter S in French Just as in English, the letter S is used often in French. While it typically sounds exactly as youd expect, there is a second pronunciation youll need to know. This lesson will guide you through the sounds and even give you a few words to practice with. How to Pronounce the Letter S in French The letter S  can be pronounced two different ways in French: Its usually pronounced like the English S. This happens when it appears:At the beginning of a wordAt the end of a word or syllableAs a double SFollowed by a C (see below)In front of a consonantThe rest of the time, it is pronounced like a Z. Use this pronunciation when it is found:Between two vowelsIn a liaison such as les amis  [lay za mee] and  ils  ont. Pronouncing the Combination of SC As mentioned, when the letter S is combined with a C the pronunciation changes a bit.   When SC is used in front  of soft vowel, it sounds like an S.  For example, as in the word  sciences  (science).  If the SC appears in front of a hard vowel or  consonant,  the S  and  C are pronounced separately  and according to their respective rules. Youre probably familiar with the word  escargots  (snails), which follows this rule. Practice Your Pronunciation of S Since you understand the pronunciation rules for the letter S, its time to put it into practice. Using the rules above, see if you can figure out the correct pronunciation of each of these words. When you think you have it, click on the word to hear how its supposed to sound. Sucre  (sugar)Fils  (son)Poisson  (fish)Scruter  (to scan)Visage  (face)Ils ont  (they have)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Internet-Based Buyer or Seller Pricing Perspective Essay

Internet-Based Buyer or Seller Pricing Perspective - Essay Example Internet has changed the business environment from a Market place to a Market space. Online business has much wider scopes than offline businesses because of the wider reach-ability of it. The advent of the Internet has brought about dynamic pricing, which varies from consumer to consumer. In addition, the Internet has created price transparency that allows both buyers and sellers to view all competitive prices. This paper briefly analyses Internet-Based business and pricing of goods from a buyers perspective Barkley et al (n. d) have mentioned that by decreasing marketing, communication, and information costs and increasing access to lower cost suppliers and services, internet purchasing will help a person to buy goods for cheaper rates compared the supermarket prices (Barkley et al, n.d, p.1). It is a fact that goods purchased through internet are cheaper in price compared to the goods purchased from a dealer or shop. This is because of the fact that the dealer needs to pay various kinds of taxes to the government whereas the ecommerce site owners need not pay taxes to the government. The reduction in tax burden will encourage the ecommerce business people to offer cheaper prices to products compared to that purchased from a shop or supermarket. Recently, I have purchased a microwave oven from a supermarket. After bringing that in my home, one of my friends told me that the price of the oven was little on the higher side compared to the prices offered by the ecommerce people. I checked the prices of the same model in the internet and realized that I lost around $25 in that small deal itself. The emergence of Internet platform for business purposes has changed many of the traditional means and approaches of businesses. Companies started to devise cost effective ways to encourage their internet based businesses considering the immense advantages it provides to them compared to the